Grad school inspired doodles

Grad school inspired doodles

During my first year in graduate school, a former graduate student from the lab was visiting us one evening. Before taking off for the day, he grabbed a pen, scribbled something on a set of post it notes and stuck them all over my desk. The notes were his musings inspired by grad school, baseball and Oakland where the lab was located and were intended to be humorous. Over the course of the next few months I decided to give it my own spin. While waiting for a gel to run or or a Western to develop, I made one cartoon for each post-it note while interpreting the quotes at face value. Looking at some of these cartoons, I know they reflect some of my feelings from how the experiment results turned out for the day! I am just happy I channeled my sentiments into dark humor.



2 Replies to “Grad school inspired doodles”

  1. Apuu!!Sweet to see how you have transformed those notes!!! You rock!!!!